This selection of Tibet-links and other web sites is rather arbitrary.

Center for Reserach on Tibet at Case University, great source for scientific studies on Tibet.
Critical Ecosystem Protection Fund is providing a detailed up to date 'Ecosystem Profile' on the 'Mountains of Southwest China'
Mountain Forum is an international network of organizations working on environmental conservation and sustainable development in mountain regions.
The Mountain Institute is committed to the preservation of mountain environments and advancement of mountain cultures worldwide, with projects in Nepal and on the Tibetan Plateau.
WWF China has a multiple of programs including Forest, Community Development, Species, Tibet and Illegal Wildlife Trade.
Wildlife Conservation Society has wildlife and habitat conservation research projects in several Asian regions, including the Tibetan Plateau.
ICIMOD - International Center for Integrated Mountain Development provides information and resources on environment and economic development issues in the Himalayan-Hindu Kush region including the Tibetan Plateau and SW China.
Mountain Research and Development Journal Scientific Journal focused on Mountain issues published in cooperation with the International Mountain Society
Machik is working to develop new opportunities for education, capacity building and innovation on the Tibetan Plateau
A.S.I.A- Association for International Solidarity in Asia Italian based NGO founded by Prof. Namkhai Norbu supporting endeavors to safeguard Tibetan communities and their culture.
Surmang Foundation: Colorado based NGO active in rural Tibet since over 15 years.
The Bridge Fund NGO supporting Tibetan communities in China based in San Francisco
The Nature Conservancy's Yunnan Great Rivers Project at Meili Snow Mountain
China Development News Webpages provide info on NGO work in China.
Jinpa Foundation Yushu / Jyekundo focused, Xining based NGO helping in remote areas of Qinghai.
Tibet Baum German-Tibetan NGO with reforestation project in Tsurpu, TAR (in German/ auf Deutsch)
Download the Conserve Tibet Project apk. An App that offers to collect, preserve and make available significant materials especially audios and videos that have historical importance to the Tibetan people.
The Tibetan and Himalayan Digital Library A GIS based site on the Tibetan cultural area
Himalayan Links wide selection on links to Himalayan issues.
International Fund for China's Environment (IFCE) publishes a Weekly China Environmental News Digest
U.S. Embassy in Beijing publishes reports on environmental and development conditions on the Tibetan Plateau and SW China in the "Environment, Science and Technology" section.
Andreas Gruschke's Photos, books and much more on Tibet, China and the silk road
Himal Magazine an excellent source of information on issues in South Asia.
Tibet online Exile government webpage on environment issues
Botany / Vegetation / Wildlife
Harvard's Biodiversity of the Hengduan Mountains Region specimen collection listings
Flora of China at Harvard
Wildflowers of Tibet Great photos sorted by ecosystems by Xu Feng-Xiang & Zheng Wei-Lie
Tibetan Flower Encyclopedia more Plant photos by Xu Feng-Xiang & Zheng Wei-Lie
Article on potential forestation in TAR by Miehe et al.
Tibet birds: A webpage by a Lhasa / Tibet resident's birdwatcher with many Tibetan bird pictures and birdwatching tour offers.
Tibetan Medicine
Shang Shung Institute and the School of Tibetan Medicine, bringing Tibetan Medicine to North America
Tibetan Medicine links Alternative Medicine Foundation Tibetan Medecine webpage
International Bibliography of Tibetan Medicine Jürgen Aschoff's bibliography on TM (up to 1995)
Tibetan medicine resources: Dharma-Haven provides extensive background and links regarding TM
Yuthog Foundation based in Ladakh for the preservation and development of traditional Tibetan medicine
Expedition Travel Service
Mushroaming - Daniel Winkler's Adventure Expeditions to Tibet
Traveling to South Italy with Peter Amann's Walk Sicily
Friends & Artists etc.
Mark Laidlaw author & game writer with nice webpages