Reforestation Nurseries

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 Tibetan woman and her daughter planting spruce seedlings (Picea balfouriana, Pinyin: Chuanxi yunshan). The primary forest, which was dominated by firs (Abies squamata), was cut by the county forest bureau in the early 1990s. It had been replanted twice, since seedlings suffered from heavy grazing pressure. To guarantee successful reforestation this time around villagers are hired for forestry work-including fence building and guarding. This community involvement was paid for by the project as part of an agreement to prevent livestock from invading reforestation plots. Photo by Daniel Winkler, 24 April 2002), Chungba / Junba Valley, Litang / Lithang County, Kandze / Garze / Ganzi TAP, 3950 m
Spruce seedlings (Picea balfouriana) in Junba Nursery. Without greenhouse protection it takes Litang Forest Bureau  five long years to grow the seedlings in the nursery before seedlings are planted out on slopes in Chunba/Junba Valley. © Daniel Winkler, June 1999, 3400m, Yaolinba, Litang County, Ganzi TAP, W-Sichuan
Poplar clones in Chaksum (Pinyin: Caosang) nursery. Forest bureaus have been active since many years in planting poplars. Unfortunately, if poplars are not protected well, livestock will not leave them a chance to grow by eating leaves and peeling the bark. © Daniel Winkler, Feb. 1999, 3900m, Chaksum Litang County, Ganzi TAP, W-Sichuan

Seedlings of the native Cupressus chengiana (Cheng's Cypress, Pinyin: Minjiang Baimu) have been planted in perforated plastic bags, where they will be grown in a nursery for 1-3 years. The higher cost of such seedling cultivation are off-set by greatly improved survival chances of seedlings on drier and exposed slopes. The bag holds retains more moisture and sometimes also slow realise fertilizer is added. This technique is spreading in the region for reforestation of degraded slopes. © Daniel Winkler April 2002, 2700m, Barkam / Ma'erkang County, Aba TAP, W-Sichuan

Spruce seedlings (Picea balfouriana) in Luhuo Nursery, Ganzi Prefecture's head nursery. In summer bamboo mats are rolled out on the post and bar structures. Also in Luhuo seedlings are seeded in greenhouses before transplanting in the second year. On the slope in the background Drangu Gompa. © Daniel Winkler February 1999, 3320m, Drangu/Luhuo County, Ganzi TAP, W-Sichuan


The new greenhouse in Junba Nursery. It was financed through a grant by The Bridge Fund, USA (TBF). Litang County Forest Bureau in cooperation with TBF is hoping to reduce seedling growing in the nursery to 3 to 4 years with the construction of the new greenhouse.  © Palden Tashi
August 2000, 3400m, Litang County, Ganzi TAP, W-Sichuan
Conifer beds at Riwoche Nursery in Ratsaka (Riwoche Town, RiwocheCounty (Tibetan Pinyin: Riwoqe  Pinyin: Leiwuqi Xian). The photo shows half of the conifer beds. This county nursery is in dire need of development, as the whole reforestation sector was in 1997. However, no changes were visible in 1998. In the back spruce forest (Picea balfouriana) clearly reduced through logging and no consecutive reforestation. © Daniel Winkler July 1997, 4200m, (Riwoqe Xian), Qamdo Prefecture, Tibet AR <Riwoqe paper>

Last edited on Sun, September 16, 2012, 11:07 pm