Everett WA Feb.12- SCMS "Lesser Known PNW Edible Mushrooms" presentation
Past Presentations
Lake Stevens, WA - Library - Mar. 30 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Monroe, WA Library - April 13 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Friday Harbor WA - class & foray - May 24 & 25 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" & Foray
Lakebay WA - Key Center Library - Sept. 28 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Easton WA, Oct.14 - The Mountaineers' Mushroom Weekend - presentation
Olympia WA, Oct. 15 - SSMS - "Lesser Known PNW Edible Mushrooms"
Seattle WA, Oct. 19 - PSMS Annual Mushroom Show, "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Seattle WA, Oct. 20 - PSMS Annual Mushroom Show " Boletes of the PNW"
Bellingham WA, Oct. 24 - Living Earth Herbs - Medicinal Mushrooms Presentation
Bremerton WA, Oct. 27 - KPMS Annual Mushroom Show, "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Cispus WA, Nov.1-3 - National NAMA Foray, foray, booth & presentation: "Best of Mushroaming"
Vancouver BC, Nov. 12 - VMS,, "Fungal Fruits of the Forest - Best Edible Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond"
Seattle WA - PSMS - Jan 10 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" - PNW Edible Mushrooms Book release talk
Occidental CA - SOMA Camp - Jan 13-16 - Sunday, Jan. 15 "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Mendocino Mushroom Club MCMC - Jan 18 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Seattle WA - Mountaineers Naturalists lecture series - Feb. 9 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Portland OR, OMS Feb. 13 - "Common and Less Common Choice PNW Edible Mushrooms"
Portland OR, Powell's Books Feb. 17 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" book presentation
Corvallis OR, Oregon Truffle Fest - Feb. 19 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Olympia WA, SSMS - Feb. 21 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" - PNW Edible Mushrooms"
San Diego CA, SDMS - Mar. 6 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Spanaway WA, Library - Mar. 14 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" - PNW Edible Mushrooms"
Seattle WA, Library - Mar. 15 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Kirkland WA - BookTree - Mar. 18 - "Fruits of the Forest" book presentation
Tacoma WA, Library - Mar. 22 - "Fruits of the Forest" book presentation
Chehalis WA, SWMS - April 4 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" - PNW Edible Mushrooms"
Redmond WA, Brick and Mortar - April 10 - "Fruits of the Forest"
Mushroaming Spring Online Seminars:
Apr. 5 - Mushroom Foraging,Identification & Refining your ID
Apr. 12 - The Best Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW part 1:
Natural and Fire Morels, False Morels, as well as Corals and Puffballs
Apr. 18 - The Best Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW part 2:
Spring Kings & Oyster mushrooms, and other pored and gilled mushrooms
Virtual Book Club, North American Mycological Association - June 15 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Thimphu, Bhutan, National Mushroom Center - Aug. 17 - Hail the King! Collection, Processing & Markets of King Boletes
Genekha Mushroom Cooperative, Bhutan - Aug. 19 - Precious Mushrooms – Shamo Rinpoche
Mushroaming Fall Online Seminars:
Sept. 28 - Introduction to Mushroom Foraging, Identification & Refining your ID Skills
Oct. 5 - Chanterelles, Hedgehogs, Boletes, Bear’s Head and other Non-Gilled Mushrooms
Oct. 12 - Gilled Mushrooms - from Angel Wings, Princes, Matsutake, Shrimpies, Candy Caps and many more - Oct. 12, 7 pm
Oct. 19 - Medicinal Mushrooms - How to find, Identify and Process Them
Vashon Island WA - Myceliate Festival, Oct. 7: Mushroom Foray
Port Angeles - Olympic Peninsula Fungi Festival, Oct. 15 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" - Oct. 16: Festival Foray
Cispus WA, PSMS' Ben Woo Foray - Oct. 20 - "The Worthwhile Wallflowers of Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Bellingham WA -Oct. 22, NWMA Annual Wild Mushroom Show - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Bellingham WA, Living Earth Herbs - Oct. 25 - PNW Medicinal Mushrooms - How to Find, Use and Process
Seattle WA, PSMS Wild Mushroom Show - Oct. 28: "Fourteen Fantastic Fungi"
Seattle WA, PSMS Wild Mushroom Show - Oct. 29: "Best of Mushroaming"
Brookings OR, Wild Rivers Mushroom Festival - Nov. 5 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Bremerton WA, KPMS - Nov. 9 - 7pm "Edible and not so edible PNW Mushrooms"
Seattle WA, PSMS - Nov. 14 - "Fourteen Fantastic Fungi"
Eugene OR, CMS - Nov. 15 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Glendale CA, LAMS - Nov. 20 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Victoria BC, SVIMS - Dec. 5 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Oak Harbor Library Nov. 9 - "Fruits of the Forest- Edible Mushrooms of the PNW"
Everett - SCMS Nov. 9 - "Fruits of the Forest - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW"
Bremerton WA KPMS 50th Annual Show, Nov. 6 - "Fruits of the Forest"
Coupeville WA Library, Oct 26 - Fruits of the Forest- Edible Mushrooms of the PNW"
Langley WA Library, Oct 26 - Fruits of the Forest- Edible Mushrooms of the PNW"
Seattle WA, PSMS Wild Mushroom Show Oct. 23: Fourteen Fantastic Fungi
Seattle WA, PSMS Wild Mushroom Show Oct. 22: Fourteen Fantastic Fungi
Longview WA, Coastal Fungi Symposium 10-21-2022 - Fruits of the Forest, Fourteen Fantastic Fungi
Mushroaming Fall Online Seminars:
Oct. 3 Introduction to Mushroom Identification & Refining your ID Skills
Fruits of the Forest - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the PNW Fall Favorites
Oct. 5- Part 1 - Chanterelles, Boletes and other Non-Gilled Mushrooms
Oct. 12 Part 2 – Gilled Mushrooms - from Angel Wings & Oysters, Shaggy Parasols & Shaggy Manes, Princes & Knights, Matsutake & Shrimpies, Milkcaps and Candy Caps and more
Oct. 19 Medicinal Mushrooms - How to Find, Identify & Process Them
Medicinal Mushrooms to Supercharge Your Life - Online Seminar
6-23-2022 - Cordyceps in Orient and Occident - Natural History of a Perplexing Parasite & Purported Panacea
6-9-2022 - Introduction to Mushroom Identification
Mushroaming Spring Online Seminars:
Apr. 6 - Intro to Mushroom Identification & Refining your ID
Apr. 13 - The Best Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW part 1:
Natural and Fire Morels, False Morels, as well as Corals and Puffballs
Apr. 20 - The Best Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW part 2:
Spring Kings & Oyster mushrooms, and other pored and gilled mushrooms
Apr. 27 - Medicinal Mushrooms - How to find, process & use them
Bend OR Central Oregon Mushroom Club 3-24 Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW
Toronto Mycological Society Mar. 22 - Best of Mushroaming - From High Asia to South America
Washougal WA, TreeSong online class - Feb.12 - Edible Winter Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
Salish Mushrooms Online 11-11-21 Selected Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
Mushroaming Online Seminar - Oct. 6 - Medicinal Mushrooms - How to find, process & use them
Mushroaming Online Seminar - Oct. 13 - Boletes of the Westcoast
Mushroaming Online Seminar - Sept. 29 - Choice Edible Fall Mushrooms of the PNW
Mushroaming Online Seminar - Sept. 22 - Introduction to Mushroom Identification
Darrington WA - Library Sept. 15 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Medicinal Mushrooms with Confidence Online - Aug 12 - Cordyceps in Orient & Occident
Washougal WA, TreeSong online class - March 24 - Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW 7pm
Seattle WA, PSMS Mushroom Maynia - May 2 - Spring Mushroom Surprises
Mushroaming Online Seminar - April 15 - Boletes of the Westcoast
Everett WA, SCMS - Apr. 12 - Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW
Bremerton WA, KPMS - Apr. 8 - Boletes of the Westcoast
Mushroaming Online Seminar - March 24 - Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW
Eugene OR, CMS - Jan. 20 - Best of Mushroaming
Santiago de Chile Latin-American Mycology Congress Dec.12 - Edible Fungi of the Rainforest in Suriname
Santa Cruz CA, Nov. 18, FFSC's - Amazing Amazon Fungi,
Seattle WA, PSMS Annual Show - Oct 17 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Bhutan Network USA, Sept. 17 - Fundraising presentation - Mushrooms of Bhutan
Portland OR - OMS Sept 14 - Best of Mushroaming
Bellingham WA, Sep 10 - NWMA - Cordyceps in Orient & Occident
Washington DC , Sept. 1 MAWDC - Best of Mushroaming
Woodinville WA, Feb. 4 - Permaculture Group - Mushrooms in the Backyard & Beyond
Mt Vernon WA, Skagit Valley College - Jan. 23 - Fungi of the PNW and their Characteristics
San Francisco CA , MSSF - Dec. 8 - Fungus Fair - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the West Coast
Albion CA, MCMC & FFSC - Dec. 6 - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the North Coast & Beyond
Los Angeles CA, LAMS - Nov. 18 - Best of Mushroaming
Seattle WA, Grateful Bread Bakery - Nov.1 to Dec. 10 - Photo Exhibit "Best of Mushroaming"
Seattle WA, PSMS Annual Show - Oct 27 - Best of Mushroaming
Seattle WA, PSMS Annual Show - Oct 26 - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW
Seattle WA, Rockhound - Oct. 22 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Enumclaw WA, PSMS' Ben Woo Foray - Oct.19 - Unusual Edible Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond
Oak Harbor WA, Library - Oct.14 - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Seattle WA, Dandelion - Oct.7 - Medicinal & Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Chehalis WA, SWMS - Oct. 1 - Familiar and Unfamiliar Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Clinton WA, Library - Sep. 24 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond
Snohomish WA, Library - Sept. 17 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Bhutan - Early August - 4 Community presentations for Bhutan Network on Local Edible Mushroom
Paramaribo, Suriname, Tori Oso - June 27 - Amazing Tropical Mushrooms
Paramaribo, Anton de Kom University of Suriname - June 17 - Mushrooms of Suriname
Arlington WA Library - May 23 - Edible & Medicinal Spring Mushrooms of the PNW
Bogota Colombia - The Wok - May 7 - Best Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms around the World
Bogota Mushroom Festival - May 5 - Best Edible Mushrooms around the World
Everett WA, SCMS Apr. 10 - Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond
Seattle WA, North End Garden Club - April 4 - Mushrooms in our Backyard and Beyond
Seattle WA, Rockhound - Mar. 28 - Edible & Medicinal Spring Mushrooms of the PNW
Seattle WA, Ballard Garden Club 3-27 Mushrooms in our Backyard and Beyond
Seattle WA, Greenwood Senior Center - Mar. 22 - Edible & Medicinal Spring Mushrooms of the PNW
Bremerton WA, KPMS - Mar. 14 - 2019 Survivors Banquet
Vancouver BC, VMS - Mar. 12 - Best of Mushroaming
Olympia WA - Jan.15, SSMC - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNWSanta Cruz CA, Jan. 11, FFSC's - Fungus Fair - Best of Mushroaming
Santa Cruz CA, Jan. 12, FFSC's - Fungus Fair- Medicinal Mushrooms - How to collect, process and use themSanta Cruz CA, Jan. 13, FFSC's -Fungus Fair - Flavorful, Fancy and Foul Fungi from Far Flung Forests
Edmonds WA - Dec.4 - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW
Coupeville WA - Nov. 12, Library - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW
Chehalis WA - SWMS - Nov. 6 - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW
Seattle WA - PSMS Mushroom Show
Oct. 27 - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW
Oct. 28 - Flavorful, Foul and Fancy Mushrooms
Seattle WA - Dandelion Botanicals - Oct. 22 Medicinal Mushrooms - How to find and process them
Detroit OR - Oct. 18 Breitenbush Mushroom Gathering - Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond
Oct. 19 Breitenbush Mushroom Gathering - Stunning Suriname
Langely WA - Oct. 8, Library event @ United Methodist Church Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW
Victoria BC - Oct. 4, SVIMS - Best of Mushroaming
Sicamous BC - Sept. 28 Fungi Fest Amazing Amazon Mushrooms 7pm
Sept. 29 Fungi Fest Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW 6.30pm
Enumclaw WA - June 9, Gourmet Fire Morel Foray Morel Madness - Why, how and where people hunt morels
Woodinville WA, Education Elevation - May 5 - Magic of Tibet & Tibet: Land and People
Seattle WA - PSMS Feb. 13 - Stunning Stinkhorns - A Valentine Special
Eugene, OR - Jan. 28 Oregon Truffle Fest The Best Edible Mushrooms of the World
Occidental CA Jan 13 SOMA Camp Cordyceps - Perplexing Parasite and Purported Panacea
San Diego CA - Jan. 8, 2018 SDMS The Best of Mushroaming
Phoenix AZ - Dec. 9 Arizona Mushroom Society The Best of Mushroaming
Seattle REI Nov. 6 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
PSMS Annual Mushroom Show Oct. 21/22 - Foul, Fancy & Fantastic Fungi
Breitenbush Hot Springs Mushroom Conference Oct. 19-22 - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms
Port Townsend WA, Library Oct 12 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Oak Harbor WA, Library - Sept.19 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Langely WA, Library - Sept. 19 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Coupeville WA Library - Sept. 18 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Telluride Mushroom Festival - Aug. 19 - Cordyceps - Perplexing Parasite and Purported Panacea
Twisp WA, Library - June 22 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Omak WA, Library - June 23 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Curlew WA, Library - June 23 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Tonasket WA, Library - June 24 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Wenatchee WA, Library, May 10 - 6:30pm - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Entiat WA, Library - May 11- Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Leavenworth WA, Library - May 12 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Woodinville WA, Education Elevation - May 13 - Magic of Tibet & Tibet: Land and People - Fundraiser for eductaion in Eastern Tibet
Portland OR - OMS March 27, Cordyceps: Perplexing Parasite and Purported Panacea
Seattle WA - Scarabs-The-Bug-Society - Jan. 22 - Cordyceps - An Entomophagus fungus among us
Woodinville WA - Nov. 18-20 - International Truffle Expo
Nov. 18 Foraging mushrooms & truffles and have them prepared Chef Seth
Nov. 19 Presentation: Best Edible Mushrooms Around the World
Nov. 20 Presentation: PNW Truffles - what are they and how to enjoy them?
Nov. 20 Harvest Table & Truffle Dinner at Herb Farm
San Francisco CA - MSSF - Nov. 15 - The best of Mushroaming Bolivia, Tibet & Japan
MSSF Mendocino Camp CA - Nov. 11-13 - Amazing Amazon Fungi
Bellevue WA - PSMS - Annual Mushroom Show, Oct. 30 - Flavourful, Fancy and Foul Fungi
Buck Creek - PSMS - Ben Woo Foray, Oct. 22 - Magical and Mysterious Mushrooms, the Extreme and the Colorful
Arlington WA - Library, Oct. 20 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Roberts Creek,BC, Canada Sunshine Coast Mushroom Festival - Oct. 14 - Flavourful, Fancy and Foul Fungi
Madeira Park BC, Oct. 18 - Intern'l Fungi & Fiber Symposium - Flavourful, Fancy and Foul Fungi
Oak Harbor WA - Library Sep. 20 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Langely WA - Library Sep. 20 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Port Townsend WA - Library Sept. 21 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Monroe WA - Library, Sep. 15 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the PNWt & Beyond
Stanwood WA - Library, Sep. 14 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond
Granite Falls WA - Library Aug 30 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond
Camano Island WA - Library July 11 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond
Bremerton WA - KPMS - June 9 - Mushroom Festivals & Morels out West
Duvall WA - May 18 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond
Darrington WA - Library May 11 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Seattle WA - Roosevelt High School, Science Booster, Mar. 3 - Visit to the Hidden Kingdom of Fungi
Occidental, CA - SOMA Camp - Jan 16, Colombia's Mushroom Magic
Arcata CA - HBMS - Jan 20, Tibet Mushroom Paradise
Arcata CA - Humboldt State, Geography Dep. Jan 21
Eugene OR - CMS - Oct 29 - Colombia's Mushroom Magic
Corvallis OR - NATS - Oct 28 - Flavorful, Fancy & Foul Fungi
Bellevue WA - WNPS - Botanical Gardens Oct. 22, Edible Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond, 7pm
Santa Cruz CA - FFSC Oct. 21 - Colombia's Mushroom Magic
Breitenbush Hot Springs OR - Oct. 15 Colombia Mushroom Magic
Bellevue WA - PSMS Mushroom Show Oct. 11 - Stinkhorns and Other Weird Fungal Existences
Bellevue WA - PSMS Annual Mushroom Show Oct. 10 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Oak Harbor WA - Library Oct. 7 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Langley WA - Library Oct. 6 - Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond
Coupeville WA - Library Oct. 6 - Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond
Monroe WA - Library Sept. 29 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond
Asheville NC - NAMA foray Sept. 26 - Colombia's Mushroom Magic
Seattle WA - PSMS Sept. 8 - Colombia's Mushroom Magic
Telluride CO - Aug 15 Telluride Mushroom Festival - Colombia's Mushroom Magic
Bothell WA - Outdoor Students May 19 - UW Campus - Fun with Fungi
Shanghai, China Mar 28 - International Symposium on Cordyceps Fungi: Steps Towards Sustainable Harvest of Caterpillar Fungus
Portland OR - OMS Mar. 23 - Out West Mushrooms Festivals
Duvall WA - Duvall Culture Com. - Mar. 19 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
Everett WA - SCMS Mar. 11 - The Cordyceps Phenomenon - Parasite and Panacea
Chehalis WA - SWMS Mar. 3 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the West Coast
Mazama WA - North Cascade Basecamp Feb. 19 - Best Mushrooms of the Cascades & Beyond
Eugene OR - Oregon Truffle Fest Jan 25 - Best Edible Mushrooms around the World
Bremerton WA - KPMS Jan 15 - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms
Santa Cruz CA - Fungus Fair Jan. 9 SCFF - Tibet Mushroom Paradise
Santa Cruz CA - Fungus Fair Jan. 10 SCFF - Amamzing Amazon Mushrooms
Bellevue WA - Nov 23 Lewis Creek Visitor Center - Edibles of the PNW & Beyond
Mercer Island WA - Nov. 19 - High Lakers - Choice Edibles around the World incl. the PNW
Bellingham WA Nov. 13 NWMA - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms
San Diego, CA - Nov. 3 SDMS - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms
Stampede Pass WA - Nov 1 Mountaineers Mushroom Weekend Meany Lodge
Seattle WA - Oct. 25 - PSMS Annual Mushroom Show - Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
Seattle WA - Oct. 24 - PSMS 50th anniversary Members only Mushroom Show - The Best Edible Mushrooms of the World
Breitenbush Hot Springs, OR, Oct. 17 - Mushroom Weekend - Edibles of the PNW
Seattle WA - Oct. 15 - Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
Camp Arnold near Eatonville, WA - Oct 11 - NAMA Foray - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms
Langely WA - Oct. 2 Library - Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond
Seattle WA - Sep. 14 PSMS - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms - Field Guide Launch
Sicamous BC - Sep. 19 to 21 Fungi Fest - Edibles of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond
Telluride, CO - Aug 16 to 19 Mushroom Festival - Tibet Mushroom Paradise
Spring Camp, Sisters OR - May 10 Oregon MS - Choice Edibles of the Pacific NW
Spring Camp, Sisters OR - May 9 Oregon MS - Best Mushroaming Pictures from Tibet & the Amazon
Milwaukee, WI - May 7 Wisconsin Myco. Society - Tibet: Mushroom Paradise
Chicago, IL - May 5 Illinois Myco. Association - Tibet: Mushroom Paradise
Seattle WA - Mar. 13 Arboretum Foundation - Tibetan Wildflowers
Eugene, OR - Jan. 26 Oregon Truffle Fest - The Best Edible Mushrooms of the World
Olympia WA - Nov. 20, South Sound MC - Flavorful, Fancy & Foul Fungi around the World
Harriet, Arkansas NAMA Foray, Oct. 26, 2013 - Tibet Mushroom Paradise
Breitenbush Hot Springs, OR, Oct. 17-19 Mushroom Weekend - Cordyceps: Creepy Killers & Stupendous Stinkhorns
Seattle WA - Oct. 10, 2013 - NARGS - Titillating Tibetan Wild Flowers
Seattle WA - Oct 12/13 - PSMS Annual Mushroom Show: Tray tours & Presentations:
Choice Edibles of the PNW & Beloved Mushrooms around the World
Yakima WA - Sept. 17, 2013 - YVMS - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms
Sicamous Mushroom Festival BC - Sept 20-22 – Edibles Mushrooms of the PNW & Flavorful, Fancy & Foul Fungi around the World
Beijing, China – Aug. 26-30 - Intern'l Med. Mushroom Conf. Cordyceps Sustainability
Bellevue WA - June 20 - Temple Bnai Torah Beloved edible Mushrooms in the PNW and around the World
Occidental, CA - SOMA Camp - Jan 21, Tibet Mushroom Paradise