Upcoming Presentations

Upcoming Presentations (also check my home page):



Everett WA  Feb.12- SCMS "Lesser Known PNW Edible Mushrooms" presentation

  • Past Presentations

    Lake Stevens, WA - Library - Mar. 30 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
    Monroe, WA Library - April 13 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
    Friday Harbor WA - class & foray - May 24 & 25 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" & Foray
    Lakebay WA - Key Center Library -  Sept. 28 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
    Easton WA, Oct.14 - The Mountaineers' Mushroom Weekend - presentation
    Olympia WA, Oct. 15 - SSMS - "Lesser Known PNW Edible Mushrooms"
    Seattle WA, Oct. 19 - PSMS Annual Mushroom Show, "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
    Seattle WA, Oct. 20 - PSMS Annual Mushroom Show " Boletes of the PNW"
    Bellingham WA, Oct. 24 - Living Earth Herbs - Medicinal Mushrooms Presentation
    Bremerton WA, Oct. 27 - KPMS Annual Mushroom Show, "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
    Cispus WA, Nov.1-3 - National NAMA Foray, foray, booth & presentation: "Best of Mushroaming"
    Vancouver BC, Nov. 12 - VMS,, "Fungal Fruits of the Forest - Best Edible Mushrooms of the PNW  & Beyond"


Seattle WA - PSMS - Jan 10 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" - PNW Edible Mushrooms Book release talk
Occidental CA - SOMA Camp  - Jan 13-16 - Sunday, Jan. 15 "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Mendocino Mushroom Club MCMC - Jan 18 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Seattle WA - Mountaineers Naturalists lecture series - Feb. 9  - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Portland OR, OMS Feb. 13 - "Common and Less Common Choice PNW Edible Mushrooms"
Portland OR, Powell's Books Feb. 17 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" book presentation
Corvallis OR, Oregon Truffle Fest - Feb. 19 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Olympia WA, SSMS - Feb. 21 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" - PNW Edible Mushrooms"
San Diego CA,  SDMS - Mar. 6 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Spanaway WA, Library - Mar. 14 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" - PNW Edible Mushrooms"
Seattle WA, Library - Mar. 15 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Kirkland WA - BookTree - Mar. 18 - "Fruits of the Forest" book presentation
Tacoma WA, Library - Mar. 22 - "Fruits of the Forest" book presentation
Chehalis WA, SWMS - April 4 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest" - PNW Edible Mushrooms"
Redmond WA, Brick and Mortar - April 10 - "Fruits of the Forest"
Mushroaming Spring Online Seminars:
  Apr. 5 - Mushroom Foraging,Identification & Refining your ID
  Apr. 12 - The Best Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW part 1:
          Natural and Fire Morels, False Morels, as well as Corals and Puffballs
  Apr. 18 - The Best Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW part 2:
          Spring Kings & Oyster mushrooms, and other pored and gilled mushrooms
Virtual Book Club, North American Mycological Association - June 15 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Thimphu, Bhutan, National Mushroom Center - Aug. 17 - Hail the King! Collection, Processing & Markets of King Boletes
Genekha Mushroom Cooperative, Bhutan - Aug. 19 - Precious Mushrooms – Shamo Rinpoche
Mushroaming Fall Online Seminars:
  Sept. 28 - Introduction to Mushroom Foraging, Identification & Refining your ID Skills  
  Oct. 5 - Chanterelles, Hedgehogs, Boletes, Bear’s Head and other Non-Gilled Mushrooms  
  Oct. 12 - Gilled Mushrooms - from Angel Wings, Princes, Matsutake, Shrimpies, Candy Caps and many more - Oct. 12, 7 pm
  Oct. 19 - Medicinal Mushrooms - How to find, Identify and Process Them

Vashon Island WA - Myceliate Festival, Oct. 7: Mushroom Foray
Port Angeles - Olympic Peninsula Fungi Festival, Oct. 15 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"  - Oct. 16: Festival Foray
Cispus WA, PSMS' Ben Woo Foray - Oct. 20 - "The Worthwhile Wallflowers of Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Bellingham WA -Oct. 22, NWMA Annual Wild Mushroom Show - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Bellingham WA, Living Earth Herbs - Oct. 25 - PNW Medicinal Mushrooms - How to Find, Use and Process
Seattle WA, PSMS Wild Mushroom Show - Oct. 28: "Fourteen Fantastic Fungi"
Seattle WA, PSMS Wild Mushroom Show - Oct. 29: "Best of Mushroaming"
Brookings OR, Wild Rivers Mushroom Festival - Nov. 5 -  "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Bremerton WA, KPMS - Nov. 9 - 7pm "Edible and not so edible PNW Mushrooms"
Seattle WA, PSMS - Nov. 14 - "Fourteen Fantastic Fungi"
Eugene OR, CMS - Nov. 15  - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Glendale CA, LAMS - Nov. 20 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"
Victoria BC, SVIMS - Dec. 5 - "Fungal Fruits of the Forest"



Oak Harbor Library Nov. 9 - "Fruits of the Forest- Edible Mushrooms of the PNW"
Everett - SCMS Nov. 9 - "Fruits of the Forest - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW"
Bremerton WA  KPMS 50th Annual Show, Nov. 6 - "Fruits of the Forest"
Coupeville WA Library, Oct 26 - Fruits of the Forest- Edible Mushrooms of the PNW"
Langley WA Library, Oct 26 - Fruits of the Forest- Edible Mushrooms of the PNW"
Seattle WA, PSMS Wild Mushroom Show Oct. 23: Fourteen Fantastic Fungi
Seattle WA, PSMS Wild Mushroom Show Oct. 22: Fourteen Fantastic Fungi
Longview WA, Coastal Fungi Symposium 10-21-2022 - Fruits of the Forest, Fourteen Fantastic Fungi
Mushroaming Fall Online Seminars:
    Oct. 3 Introduction to Mushroom Identification & Refining your ID Skills
              Fruits of the Forest - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the PNW Fall Favorites
   Oct. 5- Part 1 - Chanterelles, Boletes and other Non-Gilled Mushrooms
   Oct. 12 Part 2 – Gilled Mushrooms - from Angel Wings & Oysters, Shaggy Parasols & Shaggy Manes, Princes & Knights, Matsutake & Shrimpies, Milkcaps and Candy Caps and more
Oct. 19 Medicinal Mushrooms - How to Find, Identify & Process Them
Medicinal Mushrooms to Supercharge Your Life - Online Seminar
     6-23-2022 - Cordyceps in Orient and Occident - Natural History of a Perplexing Parasite & Purported Panacea
     6-9-2022 - Introduction to Mushroom Identification
Mushroaming Spring Online Seminars:
  Apr. 6 - Intro to Mushroom Identification & Refining your ID
  Apr. 13 - The Best Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW part 1:
          Natural and Fire Morels, False Morels, as well as Corals and Puffballs
  Apr. 20 - The Best Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW part 2:
          Spring Kings & Oyster mushrooms, and other pored and gilled mushrooms
  Apr. 27 - Medicinal Mushrooms - How to find, process & use them 
Bend OR Central Oregon Mushroom Club 3-24 Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW
Toronto Mycological Society Mar. 22 - Best of Mushroaming - From High Asia to South America
Washougal WA, TreeSong online class - Feb.12 - Edible Winter Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest



Salish Mushrooms Online 11-11-21 Selected Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
Mushroaming Online Seminar - Oct. 6 - Medicinal Mushrooms - How to find, process & use them
Mushroaming Online Seminar - Oct. 13 - Boletes of the Westcoast
Mushroaming Online Seminar - Sept. 29 - Choice Edible Fall Mushrooms of the PNW
Mushroaming Online Seminar - Sept. 22 Introduction to Mushroom Identification
Darrington WA - Library Sept. 15 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Medicinal Mushrooms with Confidence Online - Aug 12 - Cordyceps in Orient & Occident
Washougal WA, TreeSong online class - March 24 - Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW 7pm
Seattle WA, PSMS Mushroom Maynia - May 2 - Spring Mushroom Surprises
Mushroaming Online Seminar - April 15 - Boletes of the Westcoast
Everett WA, SCMS - Apr. 12 - Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW
Bremerton WA,  KPMS - Apr. 8 - Boletes of the Westcoast
Mushroaming Online Seminar - March 24 - Edible Spring Mushrooms of the PNW
Eugene OR, CMS - Jan. 20  - Best of Mushroaming  


Santiago de Chile Latin-American Mycology Congress Dec.12 - Edible Fungi of the Rainforest in Suriname
Santa Cruz CA, Nov. 18, FFSC's -  Amazing Amazon Fungi,
Seattle WA, PSMS Annual Show - Oct 17 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Bhutan Network USA, Sept. 17 - Fundraising presentation - Mushrooms of Bhutan
Portland OR - OMS Sept 14 - Best of Mushroaming
Bellingham WA, Sep 10 - NWMA - Cordyceps in Orient & Occident
Washington DC , Sept. 1 MAWDC - Best of Mushroaming
Woodinville WA, Feb. 4 - Permaculture Group - Mushrooms in the Backyard & Beyond
Mt Vernon WA, Skagit Valley College - Jan. 23 - Fungi of the PNW and their Characteristics


San Francisco CA , MSSF - Dec. 8 - Fungus Fair  Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the West Coast
Albion CA, MCMC & FFSC - Dec. 6 - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the North Coast & Beyond
Los Angeles CA, LAMS - Nov. 18 - Best of Mushroaming
Seattle WA, Grateful Bread Bakery - Nov.1 to Dec. 10 - Photo Exhibit "Best of Mushroaming"
Seattle WA, PSMS Annual Show - Oct 27 - Best of Mushroaming
Seattle WA, PSMS Annual Show - Oct 26 - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW
Seattle WA, Rockhound - Oct. 22 - Choice Edible  Mushrooms of the PNW

Enumclaw WA, PSMS' Ben Woo Foray - Oct.19 - Unusual Edible Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond
Oak Harbor WA, Library - Oct.14 -  Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond 
Seattle WA, Dandelion - Oct.7 - Medicinal & Edible  Mushrooms of the PNW
Chehalis WA, SWMS - Oct. 1 - Familiar and Unfamiliar Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Clinton WA, Library - Sep. 24 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond 
Snohomish WA, Library - Sept. 17 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Bhutan - Early August - 4 Community presentations for Bhutan Network on Local Edible Mushroom
Paramaribo, Suriname, Tori Oso - June 27 - Amazing Tropical Mushrooms
Paramaribo, Anton de Kom University of Suriname - June 17 - Mushrooms of Suriname
Arlington WA  Library - May 23 - Edible & Medicinal Spring Mushrooms of the PNW

Bogota Colombia - The Wok - May 7 - Best Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms around the World

Bogota Mushroom Festival - May 5 - Best Edible Mushrooms around the World 

Everett WA, SCMS Apr. 10 - Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond


Seattle WA, North End Garden Club - April 4 - Mushrooms in our Backyard and Beyond

Seattle WA, Rockhound - Mar. 28 - Edible & Medicinal Spring Mushrooms of the PNW

Seattle WA, Ballard Garden Club 3-27 Mushrooms in our Backyard and Beyond 

Seattle WA, Greenwood Senior Center - Mar. 22 - Edible & Medicinal Spring Mushrooms of the PNW
Bremerton WA,  KPMS - Mar. 14 - 2019 Survivors Banquet
Vancouver BC, VMS - Mar. 12 -  Best of Mushroaming
Olympia WA - Jan.15, SSMC - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNWSanta Cruz CA, Jan. 11, FFSC's - Fungus Fair - Best of Mushroaming
Santa Cruz CA, Jan. 12, FFSC's - Fungus Fair- Medicinal Mushrooms - How to collect, process and use themSanta Cruz CA, Jan. 13, FFSC's  -Fungus Fair - Flavorful, Fancy and Foul Fungi from Far Flung Forests


Edmonds WA - Dec.4 - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW

Coupeville WA - Nov. 12, Library - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW

Chehalis WA - SWMS - Nov. 6 - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW

Seattle WA - PSMS Mushroom Show
       Oct. 27 - Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW
       Oct. 28 - Flavorful, Foul and Fancy Mushrooms

Seattle WA - Dandelion Botanicals - Oct. 22 Medicinal Mushrooms - How to find and process them

Detroit OR - Oct. 18 Breitenbush Mushroom Gathering - Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond
                    Oct. 19 Breitenbush Mushroom Gathering - Stunning Suriname
Langely WA - Oct. 8,  Library event @ United Methodist Church Edible & Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW

Victoria BC - Oct. 4, SVIMS - Best of Mushroaming

Sicamous BC - Sept. 28 Fungi Fest Amazing Amazon Mushrooms 7pm
                         Sept. 29 Fungi Fest Medicinal Mushrooms of the PNW 6.30pm

Enumclaw WA - June 9,  Gourmet Fire Morel Foray  Morel Madness - Why, how and where people hunt morels 

Woodinville WA, Education Elevation - May 5 -  Magic of Tibet & Tibet: Land and People  

Seattle WA - PSMS Feb. 13 - Stunning Stinkhorns - A Valentine Special

Eugene, OR - Jan. 28  Oregon Truffle Fest The Best Edible Mushrooms of the World

Occidental CA  Jan 13 SOMA Camp  Cordyceps - Perplexing Parasite and Purported Panacea

San Diego CA - Jan. 8, 2018  SDMS The Best of Mushroaming


Phoenix AZ - Dec. 9 Arizona Mushroom Society The Best of Mushroaming

Seattle REI Nov. 6 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

PSMS Annual Mushroom Show Oct. 21/22 - Foul, Fancy & Fantastic Fungi

Breitenbush Hot Springs Mushroom Conference Oct. 19-22 - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms

Port Townsend WA, Library Oct 12  - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

Oak Harbor WA, Library - Sept.19 -  Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

Langely WA, Library - Sept. 19 -  Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

Coupeville WA Library - Sept. 18 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

Telluride Mushroom Festival - Aug. 19 -  Cordyceps - Perplexing Parasite and Purported Panacea

Twisp WA, Library - June 22 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

Omak WA, Library - June 23 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

Curlew WA, Library - June 23 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

Tonasket WA, Library - June 24 -  Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

Wenatchee WA, Library, May 10 - 6:30pm - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

Entiat WA, Library - May 11-  Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

Leavenworth WA, Library - May 12 -  Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

Woodinville WA, Education Elevation - May 13 -  Magic of Tibet & Tibet: Land and People - Fundraiser for eductaion in Eastern Tibet 

Portland OR - OMS March 27,  Cordyceps: Perplexing Parasite and Purported Panacea

Seattle WA - Scarabs-The-Bug-Society - Jan. 22 - Cordyceps - An Entomophagus fungus among us 


Woodinville WA - Nov. 18-20 - International Truffle Expo

      Nov. 18 Foraging mushrooms & truffles and have them prepared Chef Seth

      Nov. 19 Presentation: Best Edible Mushrooms Around the World 

      Nov. 20 Presentation: PNW Truffles - what are they and how to enjoy them?

      Nov. 20 Harvest Table & Truffle Dinner at Herb Farm

San Francisco CA - MSSF - Nov. 15 - The best of Mushroaming Bolivia, Tibet & Japan

MSSF Mendocino Camp CA - Nov. 11-13 - Amazing Amazon Fungi

Bellevue WA - PSMS - Annual Mushroom Show, Oct. 30 Flavourful, Fancy and Foul Fungi

Buck Creek - PSMS - Ben Woo Foray, Oct. 22 - Magical and Mysterious Mushrooms, the Extreme and the Colorful

Arlington WA - Library, Oct. 20 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW

Roberts Creek,BC, Canada  Sunshine Coast Mushroom Festival - Oct. 14 - Flavourful, Fancy and Foul Fungi

Madeira Park BC, Oct. 18 - Intern'l Fungi & Fiber Symposium - Flavourful, Fancy and Foul Fungi

Oak Harbor WA - Library  Sep. 20 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW

Langely WA - Library  Sep. 20 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW

Port Townsend WA - Library Sept. 21 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW

Monroe WA - Library, Sep. 15 -  Choice Edible Mushrooms of the PNWt & Beyond

Stanwood WA - Library, Sep. 14 -  Choice Edible Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond

Granite Falls WA - Library Aug 30 -  Choice Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond

Camano Island WA - Library July 11 -  Choice Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond

Bremerton WA - KPMS - June 9 - Mushroom Festivals & Morels out West

Duvall WA - May 18 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW and Beyond

Darrington WA - Library May 11 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW

Seattle WA - Roosevelt High School, Science Booster, Mar. 3 - Visit to the Hidden Kingdom of Fungi 

Occidental, CA - SOMA Camp - Jan 16, Colombia's Mushroom Magic

Arcata CA - HBMS - Jan 20, Tibet Mushroom Paradise

Arcata CA - Humboldt State, Geography Dep. Jan 21


Eugene OR  - CMS - Oct 29  - Colombia's Mushroom Magic

Corvallis OR - NATS - Oct 28 - Flavorful, Fancy & Foul Fungi

Bellevue WA - WNPS - Botanical Gardens Oct. 22,  Edible Mushrooms of the PNW & Beyond, 7pm 

Santa Cruz CA - FFSC  Oct. 21 - Colombia's Mushroom Magic

Breitenbush Hot Springs  OR - Oct. 15 Colombia Mushroom Magic

Bellevue WA - PSMS Mushroom Show  Oct.  11 - Stinkhorns and Other Weird Fungal Existences

Bellevue WA - PSMS Annual Mushroom Show  Oct. 10 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW

Oak Harbor WA - Library  Oct. 7 - Edible Mushrooms of the PNW

Langley WA - Library Oct. 6 - Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond

Coupeville WA - Library Oct. 6 - Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond

Monroe WA - Library Sept. 29 -  Choice Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond

Asheville NC - NAMA foray Sept. 26 - Colombia's Mushroom Magic

Seattle WA - PSMS Sept. 8 - Colombia's Mushroom Magic

Telluride CO - Aug 15 Telluride Mushroom Festival - Colombia's Mushroom Magic

Bothell WA - Outdoor Students  May 19 -  UW Campus - Fun with Fungi

Shanghai, China Mar 28 - International Symposium on Cordyceps Fungi: Steps Towards Sustainable Harvest of Caterpillar Fungus

Portland OR - OMS  Mar. 23 - Out West Mushrooms Festivals

Duvall WA -  Duvall Culture Com. - Mar. 19 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest 

Everett WA -  SCMS Mar. 11 - The Cordyceps Phenomenon  -  Parasite and Panacea

Chehalis WA - SWMS Mar. 3 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the West Coast

Mazama WA - North Cascade Basecamp Feb. 19 - Best Mushrooms of the Cascades & Beyond 

Eugene OR - Oregon Truffle Fest Jan 25 - Best Edible Mushrooms around the World

Bremerton WA - KPMS Jan 15 - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms

Santa Cruz CA - Fungus Fair Jan. 9  SCFF  - Tibet Mushroom Paradise

Santa Cruz CA - Fungus Fair Jan. 10  SCFF  - Amamzing Amazon Mushrooms



Bellevue WA - Nov 23  Lewis Creek Visitor Center - Edibles of the PNW & Beyond
Mercer Island WA - Nov. 19 -  High Lakers - Choice Edibles around the World incl. the PNW

Bellingham WA Nov. 13 NWMA - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms

San Diego, CA - Nov. 3  SDMS - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms

Stampede Pass WA - Nov 1 Mountaineers Mushroom Weekend Meany Lodge

Seattle WA - Oct. 25 -  PSMS Annual Mushroom Show - Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest

Seattle WA - Oct. 24 -  PSMS 50th anniversary Members only Mushroom Show - The Best Edible Mushrooms of the World

Breitenbush Hot Springs, OR, Oct. 17 - Mushroom Weekend - Edibles of the PNW

Seattle WA - Oct. 15 - Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest

Camp Arnold near Eatonville, WA - Oct 11 - NAMA Foray - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms

Langely WA - Oct. 2 Library - Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond

Seattle WA - Sep. 14 PSMS - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms - Field Guide Launch 

Sicamous BC - Sep. 19 to 21 Fungi Fest - Edibles of the Pacific Northwest & Beyond

Telluride, CO - Aug 16 to 19 Mushroom Festival - Tibet Mushroom Paradise

Spring Camp, Sisters OR - May 10  Oregon MS - Choice Edibles of the Pacific NW

Spring Camp, Sisters OR - May 9  Oregon MS - Best Mushroaming Pictures from Tibet & the Amazon

Milwaukee, WI - May 7 Wisconsin Myco. Society -  Tibet: Mushroom Paradise

Chicago, IL - May 5 Illinois Myco. Association  - Tibet: Mushroom Paradise

Seattle WA - Mar. 13 Arboretum Foundation - Tibetan Wildflowers

Eugene, OR - Jan. 26 Oregon Truffle Fest - The Best Edible Mushrooms of the World



Olympia WA - Nov. 20,  South Sound MC  - Flavorful, Fancy & Foul Fungi around the World
Harriet, Arkansas NAMA Foray,  Oct. 26, 2013 - Tibet Mushroom Paradise
Breitenbush Hot Springs, OR, Oct. 17-19 Mushroom Weekend - Cordyceps: Creepy Killers & Stupendous Stinkhorns
Seattle WA - Oct. 10, 2013 - NARGS - Titillating Tibetan Wild Flowers
Seattle WA - Oct 12/13 - PSMS Annual Mushroom Show: Tray tours & Presentations:
                          Choice Edibles of the PNW & Beloved Mushrooms around the World
Yakima WA -  Sept. 17, 2013 -  YVMS - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms 
Sicamous Mushroom Festival BC - Sept 20-22  – Edibles Mushrooms of the PNW  & Flavorful, Fancy & Foul Fungi around the World

Beijing, China – Aug. 26-30 - Intern'l Med. Mushroom Conf. Cordyceps Sustainability

Victoria BC -  Sept 5, 2013 - SIMS -  Choice Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest

Bellevue WA - June 20  - Temple Bnai Torah  Beloved edible Mushrooms in the PNW and around the World

Seattle WA - May 14, 2013 - PSMS  Out West Mushrooms Festivals
Mission BC April 10, 2013 Fraser Valley Mushroom Club - Amazing Amazon Mushrooms
Vancouver BC - April 9, 2013 - VMS -  Amazing Amazon Mushrooms
Atlanta GA - April 3, 2013 Mushroom Club of Georgia - Tibet Mushroom Paradise
San Diego CA - March 4, 2013 - SDMS  Mushroaming from the Amazon to Tibet
La Paz, Bolivia - Feb. 18, 2013 - Instituto de Ecolgia, Herbario Nacional  Hongos del Amazonas
Occidental, CA - SOMA Camp - Jan 19, West Coast Choice Edible Mushrooms
Occidental, CA - SOMA Camp - Jan 21, Tibet Mushroom Paradise
Los Angeles, CA LAMS, Dec.17 - Mushroaming from the West Coast via the Amazon to Tibet
Santa Cruz, CA - Dec. 14, 10:15 am NAMA Foray - Tibet Mushroom Paradise 
Pender Harbour, BC - Canada  -Oct 19-21 - Sunshine Coast Mushroom Festival Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Setchelt, BC - Canada - Oct 19 - Sunshine Coast Mushroom Festival Beloved Edible Mushrooms Around the World
Seattle WA - Tilth Harvest Fair Sept. 8 - Choice Edibles of the PNW & Field Guide Signing
Eagle, COMushroom Festival Aug 24-26 Beloved Edibles around the World, Colorado Choice Mushrooms & Lesser known Colorado Edibles
Telluride, CO - Mushroom Festival Aug 16-19: Amazing Amazon Mushrooms & Tibet Mushroom Paradise
Beijing CTRC Aug 2/3, Conf. Rural development in Tibet - Cordyceps Sustainability
Seattle, May 6, Mushroom Maynia UWBeloved Edibles around the World
Bellingham NWMA, June 14 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
Seattle, May 6, Mushroom Maynia UW - Beloved Edibles around the World
Santa Rosa, CA - SOMA, Mar. 22 - Best of Mushroaming
Portland OR, OMS, Feb. 27 - Choice Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
Occidental, CA - SOMA Camp Jan 16, MLK day - Tibet Mushroom Paradise
Occidental, CA - SOMA Camp Jan 15, Sun - Amazing Amazonian Mushrooms
Mercer Island, WA Dec 14, at Hi Lakers on Choice Edible Mushrooms of the PNW
Eugene, OR Dec. 8, - CMS - Amazing Amazonian Mushrooms
Breitenbush Hot Springs, Detroit OR, Oct. 20-23, 2010 Mushroom Weekend
Seattle  PSMS Oct. 11, Mushrooms of Amazonia with Larry Evans
Mingo, Missouri Mycological Society Sept 16-19, Mingo Foray: Mushroaming from the Old Country via Ecuador to Tibet
Cordova, Alaska Fungus Festival Sept. 1-4 - Flavorful, Fancy & Foul Fungi around the World
Girdwood Fungus Fair, Alaska, Aug. 26-28 - 3 talks: PNW Edibles, Mushrooms around the World, Tibet Mushroom Paradies
Chengdu, July 30, Machik: Tibetan Plateau Mushrooms
Beijing, China,  June 23  WWF China Cordyceps - Tibet's Golden Fungus: Bane or Blessing?
Seattle WA,  May 15, Burke Museum - Mushroom Maynia Caterpiller Fungus: Creepy Killer Mushroom & Tibet's Cash Cow
Everett WA,  May 11,  SCMS  Edible and not so edible PNW Mushrooms
Olympia WA,  Apr 20,  South Sound MC  Edible and not so edible PNW Mushrooms
Washington DC,  Mar 22  WWF Bldg Cordyceps - Tibet's Golden Fungus: Bane or Blessing?
Bremerton WA,  Mar 17  KPMS 7pm Edible and not so edible PNW Mushrooms
Seattle WA PSMS Feb 8   Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest
Occidental, CA - SOMA Camp Jan 15, Tibet Mushroom Paradise
Occidental, Jan 17: Bhutan: Buddha mushroom, Cordyceps sinensis & other fungi
Breitenbush Hot Springs, Detroit OR, Oct. 21-24, 2010 Mushroom Weekend Tibet Mushroom Paradise
Pender Harbour, BC - Oct 16/17, 2010 Sunshine Coast Mushroom Festival   Choice Edibles of the Pacific North West
Telluride, CO - Aug 28, 2010 Telluride Mushroom Festival  Bhutan's Buddha Mushroom and Other Fungi
Telluride, CO - Aug 27, 2010 Telluride Mushroom Festival  Tibet Mushroom Paradise (TMF's cool poster)
Eagles, CO - Aug 20-22, Eagle Mushroom Festival
Vancouver, BC Aug 18, 2010  Intern. Assoc. Tibetan Studies conference - On Cordyceps Production and Sustainability
Tibet, Kongpo & Lhasa, July 14 - 27 Summer Fungal & Floral Foray East Tibet 2010
Xining, Qinghai, China, June 10 - Intern.  Cordyceps conference - On Cordyceps Production and Sustainability
Charlottesville VA, April 10 Tibet - Social Business &Sustainable Entrepreneurship Conference Mushroom Income Generation
Mission, BC Apr. 7, 2010 - Fraser Valley Mushroom Club on Flavorful, Fancy & Foul Fungi around the World
Vancouver, BC Apr. 6, 2010 - VMS Bhutan's Buddha Mushroom and Other Fungi
March 2010 East Coast
Ithaca NY - Cornell, Mar. 10, 2010 Cordyceps, Matsutake and other Fungal Treasures of Tibet Cornell lecture hall
New York City  Tibet House, Mar. 9, 2010   Tibet's Natural Treasures
New York City  NYMS, Mar. 8, 2010    Tibet's Most Marvelous Mushrooms
Morristown NJ - Frilinghuysen Arboretum  NJMS, Mar. 7, 2010   Tibet's Most Marvelous Mushrooms
Purchase, NY - COMA, Mar. 4 or 5, 2010  Tibet's Most Marvelous Mushrooms
Charlottesville VA - UVA Tibet Center, Mar. 3, 2010  Fungal Commodification of Rural Tibet
Washington DC MAW, Mar. 2, 2010   Tibet's Most Marvelous Mushrooms
Boston  BMC, Mar. 1, 2010   Tibet's Most Marvelous Mushrooms
Boston  Harvard University , Mar. 1, 2010   Fungal Commodification of Rural Tibet
Vancouver, WA,  Feb 21, 2010  MushRoaming info evening & "Know your mushrooms"
Berlin, Germany   PABB, Dec. 7, Monday - Tibet - Pilzreich.     
Halle, Germany Dec. 3, Nomadism Conference: Is the current production of Caterpillar Fungus sustainable?
Thimphu, Bhutan Sept 17, Ministry of Agriculture - Fungal Resources: Cordyceps & matsutake in High Asia
Thimphu, Bhutan Sept 9, 2009 IASTAM7 - Trad. Asian Medicine Conference on Cordyceps sinensis
Nantong, China - Sept 7, 2009 IMMC5 -  Intern. Medical Mushroom Conference on Cordyceps in a Globalized Market
Eagle, CO - Aug 21, 2009 Mushroom Festival on Tibet's Most Marvelous Mushrooms
Munich, Germany Verein für Pilzkunde, June 29, 2009 Schöne, schmackhafte und schräge Schwammerl
Los Angeles April 20, 2009 LAMS on Tibet's Most Marvelous Mushrooms
San Diego  SDMS  Feb 2, 2009 on Tibet's Most Marvelous Mushrooms
Occidental, CA - SOMA Camp Jan 18, 2009: on Tibet's Most Marvelous Mushrooms
Breitenbush Hot Springs, Detroit OR, Oct. 23-26, 2008 Mushroom Weekend
Bremerton, WA  Sept 18. Kitsap Peninsula on Tibet's most important Mushrooms
Telluride CO  Aug 21-24, 2008 -Telluride Mushroom Festival 3 Presentations
Spokane, WA  June 30, 2008  Tales of Tibet's Fungal Miracle - Cordyceps sinensis
Bellingham, WA Mar 15, 2008 - NWMA - Tibet's most important Mushrooms
Eugene, OR Mar 13, 2008 - CMS on Mushroom Research & Travels in Tibet
Boulder, CO Mar 11, 2008 - University of Colorado on fungal research in Tibet
Denver, CO Mar. 10, 2008 - CMS on Mushroom Research & Travels in Tibet
Victoria, BC Mar 6, 2008 - SVIMS on Mushroom Research & Travels in Tibet
Mission, BC Mar 5, 2008 - Fraser Valley Mushroom Club on Mushroom Research & Travels in Tibet
Vancouver, BC Mar 4, 2008 - VMS on Mushroom Research & Travels in Tibet
Vancouver, BC Mar 3, University of BC, Institute of Asian Studies
Missoula, MN, Feb 27, 2008 - University of Montana on Environmental Issues in Western China
Seattle, WA Feb 14, 2008 - NARGS - On Tibetan Wild Flowers
Everett WA, Feb 13, 2008 - SCMS on Tibet's most important Mushrooms
Occidental, CA - SOMA Camp - January, Sonoma County,  on Research & Travels in Tibet


Last edited on Fri, January 31, 2025, 8:12 pm