Home 3129
- Esero, a local mushroom expert and his parrot inspect a Stereum with parasitizing Tremella in Tepu
- Mushroom tasting with Tepu kids and Daniel cooking ChanterellesDW Ms
- A beetle? camouflaged with lichen
- Cookeina speciosa fried - great crunchy consistency and good taste like fungal baconW Ms
- Pelelu Tepu village in Sipaliwini District with Tapanahoni River
- Chantarellus Daniel Romano Basja Jan Theesinase DW Ms
- Mushroom tasting samples: Chanterelles, Cookeina and Oysters on paper bag
- Rayan Romano Kiran Daniel showing off the Chanties in Tepu
- An overmature Macrolepiota
- Ophiocordyceps sphecocephala growing out of a wasp
- 8th grade of Tepu School that came for the mushroom tasting
- Ophiocordyceps sphecocephala laying on Rigidoporus conk
- Ophiocordyceps sphaecocephala
- Cantharellus Rayan Kiran Daniel Romano
- Scleroderma camassuense with scale. What a cool ectomycorrhizal fungus!
- Scleroderma camassuense, an ecto-mycorrhizal member of the Boletales
- Auricularia delicata, a common edible wood ear. Strangely we found only these babies. Apparently it had not rained sufficient in Tepu yet.
- Mycelium climbing on tree base
- Colorful earth tongues
- Yellow-green Earth tongues that stain blue!