Home / MushRoaming Kerala 30
Photos from South India's Kerala

- Hygrocybe group Pampadum Shola
- Phallus costatus Disp Pampadum Shola
- Phallus costatus
- Phallus costatus with fly
- Agaric Shola
- Auricularia sp
- Balanophora fungosa var. indica
- Lentinus (Polyporus) arcularius seen in Thattekad
- Termitomyces sp. seen in Kerala
- Polyporus arcularius cap Thattekad
- Haliastur indus Brahminy Kite
- Hexagonia sp.
- Poronia sp seen in Pampadum
- Hygrocybe & Clavaria
- Maybe a gorgeous Mycena seen in Pampadum Shola
- Lentinus sp
- Marasmius seen in Pampadum
- Spongipellis Hymenium Kerala
- Hexagonia with its honeycomb pores
- Xylaria sp