Home 3206

- Amanita rubrovolvata just budding seen below Phadjoding
- Amanita rubrovolvata buds
- Amanita caesareoides found in oak forest above Tingtibi in 1800m.
- Cheku showing beautiful Amanita caesareoides. We did not eat them, since they were clearly different from the common Himalayan Caesar Amanita hemibapha.
- Allium wallichii seen in Thowdrak
- Xanthocomium? A bolete found in the oak forest near Jakar 2400m.
- Wangmo with dryer
- Tricyrtis, possibly Tricyrtis maculata, a toad lily seen near Trongsa.
- Tolypogladium ophioglossoides with sliced open deer truffles.
- Tolypogladium ophioglossoides, formerly Elaphocordyceps, a Cordyceps relative parasitizing a Elaphomyces truffle seen ibelow Chele La, Paro.
- Termitomyces patch. Though they grow on the wood rich underground excrement of termites, they are very tasty and popular
- Termitomyces sp. locally known as Bangmu. Photo: Cheku Cr ed DW Ms
- Audience of 400 students (not all visible here) for my Mushroom talk at Yibi Labtsa Tangtibi School
- Termitomyces sp, maybe T. eurhizus found above Tingtibi, a choice edible
- Strobilurus sp. with yellow cap
- Squamanita transected shows the parasitic mushroom growing on top of the Amanita volva.
- Squamanita standing above Tingtibi, Zhemgang, Bhutan.
- A Squamanita - a parasitic mushroom growing on top of the base of the high-jacked Amanita volva and stembase
- Tsering proudly showing 2 big Briddegills, Russula cf brevipes near Misetang, Tang, Bumthang.
- A beautiful pink-orange Ramaria above Tingtibi, Zhemgang that is locally eaten.