Home 3129
- Ophiocordyceps melolonthae giant larva excavated . Meloloantha include the European Maybug and its Chafer larva
- Cyphellostereum pusiolum showing top and underside of fruiting body with scale 10mm = 1cm
- Cyphellostereum pusiolum growing on rock. This organism is a basidio-lichen in the Hygropharaceae.
- fertile head of Ophiocordyceps evansii seen in Isla Escondida. This and parasitizing species was previously clustered with O. australis, which has a round head.
- Coltricia sp. cap seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Gibellula pulchra growing from a tiny spider in Mocoa. Fitting species name: "pulchra" meaning beautiful in Latin. However a spider might miss the beauty aspect in a Gibellula infection.
- Ophiocordyceps binata seen in Mocoa
- Maybe a Dacryopinax sp. growing in Isla Escondida
- Hygrocybe gills against the sky
- Hygrocybe aphylla seen in El Cedro. Unfortunately they suffered in transport a bit.
- Hygrocybe, close to H. occidentalis with its colorful gills seen near Mocoa
- Panellus with spider Mocoa
- Close up of these tiny Chaetocalathus liliputianus gills in El Cedro
- Beautiful Chaetocalathus liliputianus? fruiting bodies each between 3 to 5 mm seen in El Cedro
- Chaetocalathus liliputianus gills with scale in El Cedro
- Ophiocordyceps amazonica seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Cordyceps nidus growing from a small spider seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- close up of Chaetocalathus liliputianus caps seen from the side
- Chaetocalathus liliputianus? caps seen from the side in El Cedro
- A minute Callistodermatium aurantium growing on wood seen in El Cedro