Home 3202
- Ophiocordyceps evansii stroma seen in Isla Escondida
- Ophiocordyceps melolonthae dug out, missing 2 stromata
- Flabellophora sp. in Isla Escondida
- Flabellophora sp. cap seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Podoscypha sp. seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Podoscypha sp. as water basin seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Xylaria comosa? in Isla Escondida
- Xylaria comosa? in Isla Escondida
- a red small Mycena sp. seen Isla Escondida
- whitish Mycena sp. with yellow stem seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Auricularia fuscococcinea growing in Isla Escondida
- Mycena / Collybia plectophylla covering a trunk
- Cordyceps abundance in Isla Escondida, Orito, Putumayo
- Perithecia lined up along stroma of a Cordyceps sp. , in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Ophiocordyceps amazonica with 2 stromata, Isla Escondida
- Coltricia sp. seen in Isla Escondido
- Coltricia sp. showing its long stems seen in Isla Escondido
- Butterfly resting close to a morpho, seen in Isla Escondida
- Another Coltricia sp. with scale seen in Isla Escondido
- Leaf mimicking katydid - Pterochrozinae in the shower of the Isla Escondida lodge