Home 3206

- Megacollybia? seen in Isla Escondida
- One of my favorite encounters: Paramastax sp. Monkey grasshopper, Isla Escondida
- Flabellophora sp. in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Trametes menziesii? in Isla Escondida
- Bothrops asper - Fer-de-lance head close up, luckily lens and editing creates a proximity that I had not to experience in reality!
- Flabellophora sp. hymenium, Isla Escondida
- Hypholoma subviride?, Isla Escondida
- Hypholoma subviride? gills, Isla Escondida
- Intriguing orange flower seen in Isla Esacondida
- Trametes pavonia trunk end, Mocoa
- Trametes pavonia trunk end with pore display, Mocoa
- Favolus branch showing the pores in Mocoa
- Hygrocybe occidentalis group seen here in Isla Escondida
- Bothrops asper - Fer-de-lance winding along river rocks in Isla Escondida
- Cordyceps caloceroides on a Tarantula seen near Pitalito
- Cyphellostereum pusiolum, a basidio-lichen with its fruiting bodies growing on a rock .
- Synnema with Conidiophores of Gibellula pulchra seen at Cascadas Fin del Mundo near Mocoa
- Ophiocordyceps binata with scale indicating a length of 6 mm seen near Mocoa
- Possibly a Hygrophorus seen near Mocoa. The biggest mushroom we encountered.
- Trametes menziesii seen near Mocoa