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Coltricia sp. cap seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo

Coltricia cap Escondida DW Ms.jpg fertile head of Ophiocordyceps evansii seen in Isla Escondida. This and parasitizing species was previously clustered with O. australis, which has a round head. ThumbnailsGibellula pulchra growing from a tiny spider in Mocoa. Fitting species name: "pulchra" meaning beautiful in Latin. However a spider might miss the beauty aspect in a Gibellula infection.fertile head of Ophiocordyceps evansii seen in Isla Escondida. This and parasitizing species was previously clustered with O. australis, which has a round head. ThumbnailsGibellula pulchra growing from a tiny spider in Mocoa. Fitting species name: "pulchra" meaning beautiful in Latin. However a spider might miss the beauty aspect in a Gibellula infection.fertile head of Ophiocordyceps evansii seen in Isla Escondida. This and parasitizing species was previously clustered with O. australis, which has a round head. ThumbnailsGibellula pulchra growing from a tiny spider in Mocoa. Fitting species name: "pulchra" meaning beautiful in Latin. However a spider might miss the beauty aspect in a Gibellula infection.fertile head of Ophiocordyceps evansii seen in Isla Escondida. This and parasitizing species was previously clustered with O. australis, which has a round head. ThumbnailsGibellula pulchra growing from a tiny spider in Mocoa. Fitting species name: "pulchra" meaning beautiful in Latin. However a spider might miss the beauty aspect in a Gibellula infection.fertile head of Ophiocordyceps evansii seen in Isla Escondida. This and parasitizing species was previously clustered with O. australis, which has a round head. ThumbnailsGibellula pulchra growing from a tiny spider in Mocoa. Fitting species name: "pulchra" meaning beautiful in Latin. However a spider might miss the beauty aspect in a Gibellula infection.