Home 3206
- Coriolopsis (Funalia) rigida pores with scale in San Agustin
- An Entoloma or Clitopilus growing in San Agustin, Huila
- Entoloma or Clitopilus with scale in San Agustin
- Thick-tailed Scorpion, Tityus sp., with babies on the back seen at Rio Magdalena Narrows near San Agustin
- Xylaria sp., young telemorph and possibly its anamorph growing in San Agustin
- Marasmius berteroi seen at Rio Magdalena Narrows near San Agustin
- Trigobalanus excelsa forest above Charguayaco
- Trigonobalanus excelsa forest remnants in Charhuagaco
- Cyathea Fern forest common in El Cedro
- Tibouchina lepista forest in El Cedro, Pitalito
- Reserva El Cedro forest with Cyathea ferns South of Pitalito along HW 45
- El Cedro Reserve forest with Quercus humboldtii up on the mountains
- Lycoperdon or Morginella puffball seen in Chuarguayaco near Pitalito
- Marasmius sp. in the Jardin Botanico Bogota
- Castilleja sp. paintbrush growing in Pauna, Boyaca
- Leratiomyces ceres - Chip cherry growing in the Botanical Garden in Bogota
- Tatiana & Don Jorge in Pauna hinterland, Boyaca
- Psathyrella sp., close to P. candolleana seen in Jardin Botanico, Bogota
- Daniel with Don Jorge's friendly parrot in Pauna
- Lentinula aciculospora seen in Pauna, Boyaca