Home 3206

- Slime mold apotheicia seen in the Paramo of Chauna
- A tiny yellow Asco growing in Rio Claro
- Nectria pseudotrichia seen in Villa de Leyva
- Marasmius sp. that is branching growing in Rio Claro
- Arcyria sp. slime mold encountered at Los Santos Coffee farm, Santander
- Phylacia sp. - Xylariaceae
- Cordyceps takaomontana seen in Rio Claro
- Brazil nut Bertholletia excelsa (Lecythidaceae) sliced in half
- Brazil nut fruit, tree and Upirasi
- Geastrum #91
- Geastrum sp. #91
- Geastrum sp. #93
- Hygrocybe whitish #183
- Hygrocybe sp. whitish #183 gills
- Gerronema sp. #95
- Hygrocybe sp. whitish #183 cap
- Clitocybe #9 gills
- Xylaria sp. #1
- Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa #8 slime mold
- Clitocybe sp. #9