Home 3206

- Ani in Rio Claro
- Night Heron in Rio Claro
- Capuchin monkey
- Capuchin monkey eating fruit
- Clavulina sp. seen in Pauna
- Bolete (Neoboletus?) growing with Quercus humboldtii seen in Villa de Leyva in about 8000 ft
- Tatiana & Daniel in Los Santos Coffee Farm 2019
- Gibelulla sp anamorph on a tiny spider seen in Rio Calro
- Purple fungal fuzz. Not sure what it is. Somewhat similar are Punctularia atropurpurascens and Hypochnella violacea = Hypochnus violaceus,
- Moelleriella sp., a Cordyceps relative parasitizing on aphids. Yes somewhere under that yellow fungal tissue is a digested tiny insect.
- Nectria pseudotrichia seen in Villa de Leyva
- Clathrus archeri stretching its tentacles in Villa de Leyva
- The rhizmorphs of this Marasmius is used by the Yanomami Indians as decoration material when weaving baskets. growing in Rio Claro
- Moelleriella sp., parasitizing a tiny aphid that was parasitizing a leaf
- Jelly Lichen growing below Guane
- Akanthomyces seen in Acabuco
- Ophiocordyceps melolonthae gr Pauna
- Clathrus archeri stinkhorn spreading its tentacles
- Tubifera corymbosa slime mold in Los Santos
- Arcyria slime mold seen near Villa de Leyva