Home / Colombia 2023 171

- Ductifera pululahuana jelly Chivor scale DW Ms
- Ductifera pululahuana, a jelly fungus seen in Chivor forest above Santa Maria
- Clavulinopsis fusiformis growing near Yopal, Casanare, Colombia
- possibly Chlorophyllum molybdites seen along the highway near Macanal
- Chlorophyllum molybdites annulus and gills - note the greenish hue in the gills from the green spores, near Macanal
- Chlorophyllum molybdites ? with 10cm scale. Note the bright reddish stain near the stem base. Found near Macanal
- Macrolepiota capelariae displaying its impressive gills
- Chlorophyllum molybdites, the Green-spored shaggy parasol, also known as the "Vomiter" is best enjoyed visually as here seen in Mani.
- Calvatia cyathiformis, the purple-spored puffball is a big and widely distributed puffball
- Calvatia cyathiformis fruitingbody with its transect showing the immature fertile tissue. With maturity it will turn purple due the spore color.
- Calvatia cyathiformis, the purple-spored puffball seen in Chivor forest near Santa Maria
- Hexagonia hydnoides pores under attack by hungry critters. Seen in Montana, Casanare.
- Hexagonia hydnoides with its impressive hairy caps seen in Montana, Casanare.
- The gilled polypore Lentinus crinitus or a closely related species. They are edible, but need a extended time of cooking to soften them up.
- an oyster mushroom - Pleurotus sp. patch in Chivor forest
- Pleurotus sp. cluster in Chivor forest near Santa Maria
- I wished I knew what this velvety brown capped agaric is! Lactarius comes to mind, but there was no latex and there are next to no ecto-mycorrhizals where we found it. Casanare, Colombia
- Another encounter of this velvety brown capped agaric! Near San Luis de Palenque, Casanare, Colombia SanLuis Dw Ms
- Camarophyllus Q Disp Mani DW Ms
- Phaerobolus stellatus Cannon fungus DW Ms