Home / Colombia 2023 171
- Note the intense color change of the stem of this caespitose Leucoagaricus sp. seen in Montana, Casanare, Colombia.
- A Leucoagaricus species growing near Yopal
- Leucoagaricus Yopal DW Ms
- Same Deconica sp. with interesting speckled stipes growing in Chivor forest above Sta Maria.
- The top of the cap of Oudemansiella canarii, a saprotroph growing on hardwood logs, is covered in wards. Seen in Mani, casanare.
- Oudemansiella canarii, the Canary porcelain fungus, is a common edible wood decayer.
- a cluster of edible Oudemansiella canarii, a porcelain fungus, harvested by Nicole near Morro
- Disintegrating Leucocoprinus cretaceus seen near Morro
- David in front of the Hot spring shower of Virgen del Morro near Yopal
- Purpureocillium atypicola stroma
- Ascopolyporus sp. (Corducipitataceae) growing in Chivor above Sta Maria, Boyaca, Colombia
- tiny Moelleriella fruiting bodies seen on a leaf in Chivor
- Slime Mold Yopal DW Ms
- Slime Mold Detail Yopal DW Ms
- Oudemansiella canarii trunck Yopal DW Ms
- Oudemansiella canarii trunck Yopal Cp3 Ms
- Cascadas de La Tebaida Yopal Ms
- Cotylidia alba, a leathery wood decayer seen in Yopal
- Ductifera pululahuana growing on hardwood near Chivor, 1200 masl
- Ductifera pululahuana close up