Home / Colombia 2020 221

- Trametes pores seen in Charguayaco near Pitallito
- Trametes pores with scale, Charguayaco near Pitallitoscale
- Gymnopus macropus with scale seen in Reserva El Cedro under Tibouchina trees in 2000m
- whitish Mycena sp. with yellow stem seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- The same Mycena showing its gills in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Xeromphelina tenuipes group growing in San Agustin Archelogical Park, Huila
- Xeromphelina tenuipes group in San Agustin Archelogical Park, Huila
- Favolaschia white immature seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Auricularia fuscococcinea growing in Isla Escondida
- Podoscypha sp. as water basin seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Podoscypha sp. seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Flabellophora sp. cap seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Flabellophora sp. in Isla Escondida
- a small pored Favolus sp. seen in San Agustin Archelogical Park, Huila
- the small pores of a Favolus sp. - maybe F. grammocephalus, seen in Scale San Agustin
- Pleurotus djamor gills seen in Charguayaco
- Leaf mimicking katydid - Pterochrozinae in the shower of the Isla Escondida lodge
- Butterfly resting close to a morpho, seen in Isla Escondida
- Ron high on the horse in Isla Escondida
- We called this Selaginella wildenowii spikemoss, the "Walmart fern" since it has such a plastic looking green-blue color that my camera did not do justice too. Seen in Isla Escondida