Home / Colombia 2020 221

- Hypholoma subviride?, Isla Escondida
- Hypholoma subviride? gills, Isla Escondida
- Bothrops asper - Fer-de-lance head close up, luckily lens and editing creates a proximity that I had not to experience in reality!
- Flabellophora sp. hymenium, Isla Escondida
- Flabellophora sp. in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Trametes menziesii? in Isla Escondida
- One of my favorite encounters: Paramastax sp. Monkey grasshopper, Isla Escondida
- Megacollybia? seen in Isla Escondida
- Bothrops asper - Fer-de-lance viper, Isla Escondida
- Favolus caps on a branch in Mocoa
- Coprinellus disseminatus trunk Isla Escondida
- Coprinellus disseminatus cover a trunk in Isla Escondida
- Humboldt's woolly monkey Lagothrix lagothricha threw dead branches at us from the tree tops, Isla Escondida
- Marmoset monkey seen in Isla Escondida
- Drymonia coccinea - what a unique colorful flower this Gesneriaceae vine sports! Seen in Isla Escondida
- Intriguing orange flower seen in Isla Escondida
- Monolena primuliflora flowering in Isla Escondida
- Fruit of this pink edged flowering Monolena primuliflora (Melastomataceae), Isla Escondida
- Cercosaura argulus aka Elegant Eyed Lizard seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Anadenobolus, a harmless giant millipede which was ubiquitous in Isla Escondida, Putumayo