Home 3206

- Schizophyllum umbrinum backs
- Collevted Lentinus concavus - Sharon, Jon, Amat & Addi
- Lachnocladium #68
- Panus velutinus # 00
- When a strangling fig is a tree itself and forms a very cool trunk! Seen near Apie Ecu
- Cookeina speciosa #10, a common an easy to identify cup fungus that is also edible!
- Physarum polycephalum #17 a slime mold
- Agaricus cap #207. It had an almond taste, so should be fine as food source.
- Agaricus cap #207
- Marasmius haematocephalus group 6-28
- Marasmius haematocephalus group gills 6-28
- Agaricus #85- Its almond odor should indicate good edibility!
- Cotylidia alba #83 detail
- Minute Marasmius guyanensis #155 scale
- Xylophallus xylogenus patch between Phylacria
- Xylophallus xylogenus, a tiny stinkhorn. What it does not have in size, it has in stink!
- Parkia nitida branch
- Mobile mushroom dryer with Sipaliwini River in the background 6-28
- Moco moco Montrichardia arborescens Sipaliwini River
- Rainbow Kwamalasamutu Sipaliwini River