Home 3206

- Lycoperdon #170
- Lycoperdon #170 with scale
- Lycoperdon #170
- Amazon Fieldguide reading Wuta
- Lycoperdon nigrescens #22
- Xylaria transect #191
- Xylaria #191
- Xylaria #191 w scale
- Marasmius gills #156
- Hygrocybe orange young #192
- Hygrocybe orange young #192
- Ophiocordyces sphecalocephala #111
- Ophiocordyces sphecalocephala in situ
- Ophiocordyces sphecalocephalagrowing out of a wasp
- Ophiocordyces sphecalocephala
- Ophiocordyces sphecalocephala Close up of wasp
- Ophiocordyces sphecalocephala growing from wasp
- The caps of Favolaschia do not reveal the beauty of these mushrooms
- Schizophyllum commune
- That's how small these tiny Xylophallus xylogenus stinkhorns are.