MushRoaming Bolivia Jan. 2012

Submitted by cordyceps on Tue, 10/04/2011 - 00:00


Amazing Amazon - MushRoaming Bolivia 
Jan. 20 to Feb 2, 2012


After last February's awesome tour in Ecuador, Larry Evans, Montana mycologist known from “Know your Mushrooms” and Daniel Winkler, MushRoaming LLC, will be teaming up again for an eco-tour exploring Bolivia's rich biodiversity and especially its mushrooms. We will meet in La Paz, explore the city and then slowly travel down the Andes to the cloud forest Yungas. Down in the Amazon rain forest we will travel half a day up river by canoe to an eco-lodge where will stay for 6 days surrounded by stunning pristine Amazon Rain Forest to explore the local funga, flora & fauna. Here we will have additional knowledgeable local guides assisting Larry who has researched the Amazonian funga for many years and Daniel. Then we will be returning to the high altitude environment and explore Uyuni, the worlds largest salt fields. More details on:


Lentinus strigosus is a beautiful mushroom, especially when young. It is also an edible. 
(Above the text: Phallus indusiatus, the Veiled Stinkhorn)

Last edited on Sun, September 16, 2012, 4:27 am