Cordyceps interview with National Geographic Weekend

Submitted by cordyceps on Fri, 04/15/2011 - 02:36

When I was in Washington DC in late March to present on Cordyceps sustainability at the World Wildlife Fund headquarters "Cordyceps - Tibet's Golden Fungus: Bane or Blessing? I was also interviewed by Boyd Matson from National Geographic Weekend, a radio show. 

The subject was, surprise! surprise! Caterpillar fungus. We talked about its role in Tibet, sustainability issues and its perceived and actual "potency". NG weekend was so kind to send me an edited ten minute audio file you can listen to here. I thought it is quite entertaining and informative, but I might be biased......

Daniel during an interview in Shunlung in April 2002

Mushroom Cooking in Tibet Video

I produced my first video for Youtube. It is on Kar Sha cooking. It shows how Meadow mushrooms (Agaricus campestris) are cooked the traditional way with tsampa, butter and salt. The caps are put gills up on the fire in Tibet. It also includes some nice landscape scenes from Kham as well.  It is still a little rough, but at only 3 minutes not too torturous   ;0}

I have much more video footage from my MushRoaming travels in Tibet [and Ecuador], but I am still very slow in editing, I really need a crash course to get all the great stuff out. 

Shimpu du!  Yummie!

New Article on Mushrooms in Bhutan

My article on Mushrooms in Bhutan entitled: Bhutan's Buddha Mushroom was finally published in Fungi (No.4.1). It describes then local mushroom markets, especially the Matsutake market and collection, deals with "Yartsa goenbub" - Cordyceps sinensis in Bhutan, and a range of other edibles favored by the Bhutanese.


Last edited on Sun, September 16, 2012, 4:22 am