Home / Tibet Kham Summer 2012 145

- The local community helps erecting the statue of Buddha Shakyamuni.
- Drolma king bolete searching.
- Orgyen Rinchen with one of many matsutake he picked that morning.
- A farm house in Nyachuka. These houses started to get painted in the late 1990 when Matsutake money enabled farmers to do so. Before that house were unpainted.
- Our guide Dorje (left) and Chögyal, one of our 4 drivers
- A solar collector to heat water.
- Invited for tea at Tashis home after the mushroom hunt.
- Velma mixing the tsampa - roasted ground barley flower - into the salty butter tea.
- Dorje, Angela, Tenpe Nyima, Shannon, Velma, Eloise with Prince, aka Agaricus augustus)
- A box full of Himalayan Caesar, Amanita hemibapha.
- Lilium bakerianum var. delavayi.
- Lilium bakerianum var. delavayi growing in 2800m in Nyachuka / Yajiang
- Yak cows being molken. Yak milk has 5 to 7% fat, very rich!
- An orchid found in 4200m
- Dorje, a mobile matsutake dealer we met in Nyachuka
- A nearly completed Mandala made of sand
- A mani pile, consisting of rocks that are engraved with Mantras like On Mani Padma hung.
- Pilgrims burning incense, here shukpa, juniper bows at Trakaniri in Lithang.
- Nomad woman with typical 108 hair braids.
- A nomad family we met in Trakaniri.