Home / Colombia 2020 221
- Guepinia helvelloides, Charguayaco, Pitalito
- Hygrocybe aphylla seen in El Cedro. Unfortunately they suffered in transport a bit.
- Chlorociboria sp. seen in Rio Magdalena Narrows near San Agustin
- Chlorociboria sp. San Agustin. All the fruiting bodies were very similar and regular shaped, something I have not observed in other Chlorociboria species.
- Marasmius berteroi gills seen in San Agustin
- Marasmius berteroi seen at Rio Magdalena Narrows near San Agustin
- Beautiful Chaetocalathus liliputianus? fruiting bodies each between 3 to 5 mm seen in El Cedro
- Close up of these tiny Chaetocalathus liliputianus gills in El Cedro
- Chaetocalathus liliputianus gills with scale in El Cedro
- Mycena holoporphyra on a branch in El Cedro
- Mycena holoporphyra gills
- Panellus sp. on Guadua bamboo growing in Mocoa
- Panellus cap in Mocoa - unfortunately I could not detect any bioluminescense
- Architis sp.? spider surrounded by Panellus sp in Mocoa
- Clavulinopsis? seen in Mocoa
- Auriscalpium villipes cap seen in Isla Escondida
- Auriscalpium villipes with its cool hydnoid hymenium
- Beautiful Leptonia / Entoloma sp., possibly close to Entoloma calliderma growing in Fin del Mundo
- Marasmius candidus growing in Mocoa
- Marasmius candidus gills Mocoa