Home 3201
- A Pterula sp. growing below Dochu La
- Pool below the bar on which the pillow fight is takeing place
- A stinkhorn relative that fruits in the egg state. Maybe one of these two East Asian species: Protuberella borealis or Kobayashia nipponica ? Growing with Castanopsis above Tingtibi
- Ponerorchis chusua orchid, Phadjoding
- Life stages of Phallus impudicus with an open sliced egg. When young the egg is an enjoyable edible, very firm and mildly tasting like radish.
- Pillow fight in action! Every mushroom Festival should have a pillow fight above a pool!
- Door Hallway in Trongsa Dzong / castle
- red Mycena in Tingtibi seems a common mushroom in oak forests.
- Cruentomycena seen in Tingtibi
- Momo and peaches for the picnic lunch above Ura.
- Bolerus karmesinus, now probably Butyriboletus or Exsidoporus karmesinus. Seen below Chele La.
- red Cruentomycena sp. growing on leaf in Tingtibi
- Amanita sp. looking a lot like the North American PNW A. augusta, Tangsibi
- An Amanita that looks very similar to A. augusta from the Pacific NW in North America growing above Tangsibi in 3500m.
- Amanita sp.
- Phallus impudicus half grown with lots of flies. I could observe the growth while taking pictures.
- Aphelaria? The closest I could find. Aphelariaceae are in the Cantharellales order. But really no idea. In Tsuga dumosa forest in 3000m in Thowadra, Bumthang., 2900m
- Primula capitata seen from above, Tangsibi
- Amanita sp. Tangsibi
- Hygrocybe sp. seen in Thowadra