Home 3206

- A past prime Ophiocordyceps binata with hyperparasite
- Ophiocordyceps engleriana fruiting on spider, note the legs, in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Ron high on the horse in Isla Escondida
- Still immature Favolaschia rubra?seen in Isla Escondida, Putumayo
- Entoloma dragonosporum, just love that liberty cap type cap extension
- Russula paucilamellata growing out of wood in Isla Escondida
- Tremella looking like a cubist sculpture seen in Mocoa -
- Hygrocybe close to H. occidentalis growing in Mocoa. Same specimen as the gills shown previously in the gallery.
- Tremella fuciformes growing out of a banch in Mocoa
- Architis sp.? spider surrounded by Panellus sp in Mocoa
- Ant hyperparasit seen in Mocoa
- Marasmius candidus gills Mocoa
- Marasmius candidus growing in Mocoa
- Ophiocordyceps unilateralis seen in Mocoa
- Clavulinopsis? seen in Mocoa
- Panellus cap in Mocoa - unfortunately I could not detect any bioluminescense
- Panellus sp. on Guadua bamboo growing in Mocoa
- Mycena holoporphyra gills
- Mycena holoporphyra on a branch in El Cedro
- The basisio-lichen Cora sp. aka Dictyonema sp. growing in El Cedro