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young leaves of Adiantum macrophyllum - Largeleaf Maidenhair fern seen near Yopal

Fern young leaves DW Ms.jpg Purpureocillium atypicola stromaThumbnailsoldish Daedalopsis sp. with young growth seen in YopalPurpureocillium atypicola stromaThumbnailsoldish Daedalopsis sp. with young growth seen in YopalPurpureocillium atypicola stromaThumbnailsoldish Daedalopsis sp. with young growth seen in YopalPurpureocillium atypicola stromaThumbnailsoldish Daedalopsis sp. with young growth seen in YopalPurpureocillium atypicola stromaThumbnailsoldish Daedalopsis sp. with young growth seen in Yopal