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Purpureocillium atypicola is a cordyceps relative specialized in digesting trap door spiders.

Purpureocillium atypicola leaf DW Ms.jpg Ophiocordyceps unilateralis group growing on a contorted ant seen near YopalThumbnailsTrametes sanguinea (formerly Pycnoporus sangineus) growing weirdly in antler shape. Seen in YopalOphiocordyceps unilateralis group growing on a contorted ant seen near YopalThumbnailsTrametes sanguinea (formerly Pycnoporus sangineus) growing weirdly in antler shape. Seen in YopalOphiocordyceps unilateralis group growing on a contorted ant seen near YopalThumbnailsTrametes sanguinea (formerly Pycnoporus sangineus) growing weirdly in antler shape. Seen in YopalOphiocordyceps unilateralis group growing on a contorted ant seen near YopalThumbnailsTrametes sanguinea (formerly Pycnoporus sangineus) growing weirdly in antler shape. Seen in YopalOphiocordyceps unilateralis group growing on a contorted ant seen near YopalThumbnailsTrametes sanguinea (formerly Pycnoporus sangineus) growing weirdly in antler shape. Seen in Yopal

On the base of the stroma is the dug-out cocoon-like sac in which the spider waits underground to snatch a passing by insect or other small creature. In this case Purpureocillium atypicola surprised the spider!
Previously Purpureocillium atypicola was known as Nomuraea atypicola, It is part of Ophiocordycipitaceae family.