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Hypoxylon haematostroma - an eye-catching member of the Xylariaceae

Hypoxylon haematostroma Q RC HA close DW Ms.jpg Slime mold shortly before breaking open to spill its spores. Los Santos Coffee farm.                                        gray LosSantos DW MsThumbnailsTasting the superb coffee in Los Santos. Awesome coffee farm. We are always including a coffee farm visit with tasting in all our Mushroaming Colombia tours.Slime mold shortly before breaking open to spill its spores. Los Santos Coffee farm.                                        gray LosSantos DW MsThumbnailsTasting the superb coffee in Los Santos. Awesome coffee farm. We are always including a coffee farm visit with tasting in all our Mushroaming Colombia tours.Slime mold shortly before breaking open to spill its spores. Los Santos Coffee farm.                                        gray LosSantos DW MsThumbnailsTasting the superb coffee in Los Santos. Awesome coffee farm. We are always including a coffee farm visit with tasting in all our Mushroaming Colombia tours.Slime mold shortly before breaking open to spill its spores. Los Santos Coffee farm.                                        gray LosSantos DW MsThumbnailsTasting the superb coffee in Los Santos. Awesome coffee farm. We are always including a coffee farm visit with tasting in all our Mushroaming Colombia tours.Slime mold shortly before breaking open to spill its spores. Los Santos Coffee farm.                                        gray LosSantos DW MsThumbnailsTasting the superb coffee in Los Santos. Awesome coffee farm. We are always including a coffee farm visit with tasting in all our Mushroaming Colombia tours.

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2019:05:01 09:08:14