Home / Colombia 2019 /

Nectria pseudotrichia seen in Villa de Leyva

Stilbella VdL DW Ms.jpg Xylaria sp. fruiting in a nice rowThumbnailsAuricularia cornea in Los Santos, Santander. The blackish wood ear is pretty old.Xylaria sp. fruiting in a nice rowThumbnailsAuricularia cornea in Los Santos, Santander. The blackish wood ear is pretty old.Xylaria sp. fruiting in a nice rowThumbnailsAuricularia cornea in Los Santos, Santander. The blackish wood ear is pretty old.Xylaria sp. fruiting in a nice rowThumbnailsAuricularia cornea in Los Santos, Santander. The blackish wood ear is pretty old.Xylaria sp. fruiting in a nice rowThumbnailsAuricularia cornea in Los Santos, Santander. The blackish wood ear is pretty old.