Home / Suriname 2019 109

- Xylaria anamorph
- Hygrocybe as red as they get!
- Yellow-green Earth tongues that stain blue!
- Colorful earth tongues
- Crusty fungus red and white hair
- A Favolus sp.
- dark Favolus showing its pores
- Favolus brasiliensis? with an interesting yellow hue.
- Favolus brasiliensis or something close with an interesting yellow hue
- Pleurotus djamor cluster DW Ms
- Pleurotus djamor cluster
- Pleurotus djamor fruiting #224
- Ranger Rani with Oyster mushrooms he collected!
- Pleurotus sp. growing on Sugar cane
- Gills of Pleurotus sp growing on Sugar cane
- Scleroderma camassuense, an ecto-mycorrhizal member of the Boletales
- Pelelu Tepu village in Sipaliwini District with Tapanahoni River
- Fresh cleared and planted Tupi = agricultural land. In the back the primary forest soon turned into tupis as well
- Trio women carrying heavy load of freshly harvested cassava roots from the fields to the villageDW Ms
- Lentinus sp. ?