Home 3206

- a Macrocybe titans, which can grow to be the biggest mushroom in the western hemisphere. Note it was moved from growing under a huge tree, hence the dark edge.
- oldish Daedalopsis sp. with young growth seen in Yopal
- young leaves of Adiantum macrophyllum - Largeleaf Maidenhair fern seen near Yopal
- Daedalopsis sp. underside with its labyrinthian hymenium, which is a bit weathered. Seen in Yopal
- Purpureocillium atypicola, a Cordyceps that attacks trapdoor spiders after I dug it out carefully. Seen near Yopal.
- The bloody Turkey tail, Trametes sanguinea seen in Yopal. It is a traditional remedy used by amerindians to lower a fever.
- Purpureocillium atypicola in situ
- a Psilocybe sp. seen in Yopal. Note the blue staining.
- Phlebopus beniensis seen in Yopal
- A very cool colored Phillipsia domingensis seen Yopal
- Possibly a Clavariopsis sp. seen in Pozo de Nutria, in the lower Paramo, 3200 m asl
- Pink apothecia of the fruticose lichen Dibaeis, maybe D. columbiana
- Amanita muscaria seen above Villapinzo growing with pine (Pinus sp.)
- pink earth lichen Dibaeis and Cladonia (C. secundana?) lichen
- Cladonia lichen, possibly C. secundana seen in Pozo de Nutria, 3200 m
- Lepista af nuda with scale growing in Guachengui in 3200m asl.
- Lepista af nuda growing at the entry of Pozo de Nutria, Guachengui
- Majestic Macrolepiota colombiana, the Colombian Parasole, a choice edible mushroom growing above Villapinzo.
- Amanita brunneolocularis growing with Pinus sp. above Villapinzo. This Amanita stains reddish and is close to Amanita rubescens.
- A colorful red beetle with yellow spots that hangs out on Auricularia delicata. It reminds me of a beetle, I saw being called a fungus beetle.