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Trichaptum perrottetii transect - note how thin the pore layer is.

Trichaptum perrottetii transect DW Ms.jpg Trichaptum perrottetii transect very close up  showing how the fibres make up most of the fruiting body.ThumbnailsTrio women carrying heavy load of freshly harvested cassava roots from the fields to the villageDW MsTrichaptum perrottetii transect very close up  showing how the fibres make up most of the fruiting body.ThumbnailsTrio women carrying heavy load of freshly harvested cassava roots from the fields to the villageDW MsTrichaptum perrottetii transect very close up  showing how the fibres make up most of the fruiting body.ThumbnailsTrio women carrying heavy load of freshly harvested cassava roots from the fields to the villageDW MsTrichaptum perrottetii transect very close up  showing how the fibres make up most of the fruiting body.ThumbnailsTrio women carrying heavy load of freshly harvested cassava roots from the fields to the villageDW MsTrichaptum perrottetii transect very close up  showing how the fibres make up most of the fruiting body.ThumbnailsTrio women carrying heavy load of freshly harvested cassava roots from the fields to the villageDW Ms