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Hygrocybe as red as they get!

Hygrocybe red cap & gills Disp DW Ms.jpg Lentinus sp. ?ThumbnailsFresh cleared and planted Tupi = agricultural land. In the back the primary forest soon turned into tupis as wellLentinus sp. ?ThumbnailsFresh cleared and planted Tupi = agricultural land. In the back the primary forest soon turned into tupis as wellLentinus sp. ?ThumbnailsFresh cleared and planted Tupi = agricultural land. In the back the primary forest soon turned into tupis as wellLentinus sp. ?ThumbnailsFresh cleared and planted Tupi = agricultural land. In the back the primary forest soon turned into tupis as wellLentinus sp. ?ThumbnailsFresh cleared and planted Tupi = agricultural land. In the back the primary forest soon turned into tupis as well