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Rhodiola, a rose-root.

DSC_3640 s.JPG Mountain scenery on the Deqen / Garze Prefectures border, Chinese know as Xiao Shu ShanThumbnailsA tiny flowered, but great colored Sedum found in 4500m.Mountain scenery on the Deqen / Garze Prefectures border, Chinese know as Xiao Shu ShanThumbnailsA tiny flowered, but great colored Sedum found in 4500m.Mountain scenery on the Deqen / Garze Prefectures border, Chinese know as Xiao Shu ShanThumbnailsA tiny flowered, but great colored Sedum found in 4500m.Mountain scenery on the Deqen / Garze Prefectures border, Chinese know as Xiao Shu ShanThumbnailsA tiny flowered, but great colored Sedum found in 4500m.

Beautiful high altitude specialist that provides powerful high altitude medicine. Lots of research on Rhodiola in Russia.