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Nomad woman with typical 108 hair braids.

DSC_2733 s.JPG Pilgrims burning incense, here shukpa, juniper bows at Trakaniri in Lithang.ThumbnailsA nomad family we met in Trakaniri.Pilgrims burning incense, here shukpa, juniper bows at Trakaniri in Lithang.ThumbnailsA nomad family we met in Trakaniri.Pilgrims burning incense, here shukpa, juniper bows at Trakaniri in Lithang.ThumbnailsA nomad family we met in Trakaniri.Pilgrims burning incense, here shukpa, juniper bows at Trakaniri in Lithang.ThumbnailsA nomad family we met in Trakaniri.Pilgrims burning incense, here shukpa, juniper bows at Trakaniri in Lithang.ThumbnailsA nomad family we met in Trakaniri.

108 is the sacred number, since Buddha Shakyamuni's teachings are classified in 108 volumes.