NAMA Photo Contest

Submitted by daniel on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 19:56

2014 North American Mycological Association photo contest

The contest has three categories: Documentary, Pictorial and Judge's opinion

Here my winning submisisons

 Ophiocordyceps blattae on Blattaria cockroach
Documentary - First place:: Ophiocordyceps blattae on Blattaria cockroach photographed in the Bolivian Amazon 

Lepiota rubrotincta group
Third place: Lepiota rubrotincta / Leucoagaricus rubrotinctus group seen in Chicaque, Colombia

Honorable mentionXerocomellus (Boletus) zelleri, San Leandro CA

Pictorial :

1st Place: Xeromphalina species with ghost fungus primordium seen Mushroaming in the Bolivian Amazon

Phallus indusiatus Dictiophora indusiata Amazon Bolivia Veiled Stinkhorn Schleierdame
2nd Place: Veiled Stinkhorn Phallus indusiatus (Dictiophora indusiata) seen in the Bolivian Amazon 

Honorable Mention: Favolaschia species growing in the Bolivian Amazon

Judge's opinion:

1st Place: Golden Chanterelles (Cantharellus formosus), Winter Chanterelles (Craterellus neotubaeformis), Hedgehogs (Hydnum umbilicatum) and Chanty vodka made from Golden chanterelles. I sliced the chanties, stuffed a jug and topped  it off with vodka and let it sit for 3 days. than I squeezed every drop out of the chanterelles and voilá, a vodka that tastes like chanterelles. I usually do not care for vodka, but a sip of chanty essence is a different story! It still tastes great a year later!

Last edited on Wed, November 12, 2014, 8:51 pm